Become a Terra Campaign Chair, Block Leader, or Block Contributor

| Go-To Resources for Block Leaders

  1. Terra Campaign Landing Page Link
  2. Email Template to Invite Summiters to Contribute to Your Block
  3. Spreadsheet to track your potential block contributors and outreach | | --- |

🚩 Ready to Activate?

Follow the steps below to become a Terra Chair, Block Leader, or Block Contributor.

// Step 1: Choose Your Role

First, choose one of the following three ways to join the Terra Campaign:

// Step 2: Follow the Action Steps for Your Role Below

Depending on the role you want to take on, follow the steps below!

Terra Chair:

  1. Confirm Your Interest**:** Email [email protected] with the Subject Line: “Terra Campaign Chair” and cc [email protected], confirming your interest in contributing an entire $50k block. Cc Jeff, Christina, or Heather if applicable!
  2. Donation Confirmation & Thank You: Our team be in touch to set up a call, share our immense gratitude, and share the “How to Contribute” options to ensure you are set up to contribute with ease.
  3. Celebration: You will be invited to special Summit Impact dinners in 2023, celebrated in a special mainstage thank you at Summit flagships, and more.

Block Leader:

  1. Confirm Your Interest**:** Email [email protected] with the Subject Line: “Terra Campaign Block Leader” and cc [email protected], confirming your interest in leading a block. Cc Jeff, Christina, or Heather if applicable!
  2. Quick Call: Hop on a quick call with Shira, Jeff, or Christina to confirm your Block Leader role.
  3. Reach Out to Your Block**:** Use the following resources to invite friends and Summiters
    1. Email Template to invite Summiters to join your Terra Block
    2. Optional spreadsheet to track your block outreach and confirmations
  4. Connect Block Contributors to Our Team: Once your block members confirm that they’d like to join (or if they’d like to hop on a call with us and learn more), you can email intro them to [email protected].